Adult Christian Education
Rather than keeping a relentless weekly pace, Adult Christian formation at St. Thomas More Parish takes place in spates of four to six weeks at a time. The most prominent opportunities are during Advent and Lent, when 10:00 a.m. Sunday Mass is followed by light potluck lunch and then the Adult Education program.
In addition to the Advent and Lent programs, other Adult Education sessions may be offered as announced. The pattern us usually the same as described above: 10:00 a.m. Mass is followed by light potluck lunch and then the program in the Parish Hall.
Curricula for these programs are typically drawn from high-quality video-based materials from some of today's most prominent Catholic thinkers and publishers, followed up by supplemental instruction by Fr. Bergman and discussion among the attendees. Trailers for several programs we have utilized appear below; curricula of equal quality are continually sought out for future programs.
For those seeking additional Adult Christian Formation programs, there is also a book study component to both our Ladies' Lunch Group and our Men's Holy League, described at our Small Group page.