Evangelization at St. Thomas More
Welcome to our Evangelization pages! To evangelize is simply to share Good News. As Christians, it is never our intent to impose our faith on anyone; rather, we cheerfully PROpose our faith to our families, friends, and neighbors - indeed, to the world - in the joyful hope that they, too, will come to share in the joy and beauty we ourselves have come to know as believers.
As Catholic Christians, there is a dual focus to this Good News:
So, here at St. Thomas More we share the Good News of Jesus with those who do not yet know him; and we share the Good News of the Catholic Church with those fellow believers whose Christian paths have tragically become separated from ours.
According to your own circumstances, we invite you to use the links below to access a wealth of 'food for thought' along your journey.
I Am Not a Professing Christian
I Am a Protestant Christian
I Am a Lapsed Catholic
I Am a Lifelong Catholic